Welcome to the FTalliance podcast series on ‘Fashion-Tech and Recruitment Processes’. This series consists of 4 interviews with 4 of the FTalliance consortium industry partners across Europe: Pauline van Dongen, the Netherlands; Grado Zero, Italy; Centexbel, Belgium and Decathon, France.
Together, these 4 podcasts offer a cross section of insights relating to micro/small, medium and large companies respectively on the tools and techniques for assessing and recruiting future Fashion-Tech talent. Furthermore, they reveal how each company is responding to a dynamically shifting industry where change has been further accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Insights are also offered around many other aspects relating to the recruitment process such as how companies attract the right Fashion-Tech talent; job profiles; training and the desirable skills they seek for future Fashion-Tech success. Furthermore, advice is provided for students on how to prepare themselves for the recruitment process, and important issues relating to how companies embrace Equity Diversity and Inclusion are discussed.

The first podcast in the series is with PAULINE VAN DONGEN,
a Dutch Fashion Designer specialising in wearable technology in conversation with José Teunissen (Dean of the School of Design & Technology at London College of Fashion).
Here, Pauline provides insights into the practices and processes she believes need to be utilised by the industry for the recruitment of future fashion-tech talent. Furthermore, she discusses how her company ‘Pauline van Dongen’ is responding to a dynamically shifting industry, further impacted by the pandemic, when it comes to the recruitment of collaborative partners.

The second podcast in the series is with ENRICO COZZONI,
Senior Engineer and Research and Development Project Manager at PANGAIA GRADO ZERO in conversation with Dr Michèle Danjoux (Research and KE Coordinator at LCF). Here Enrico provides insights into the practices and processes utilised by Grado Zero for the recruitment of future fashion-tech talent.
He also reveals how Pangaia Grado Zero is responding to a dynamically shifting industry where change has been further accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The third podcast in the series is with HILDE VAN ROSSEN,
a member of the Executive Personnel Department at CENTEXBEL in conversation with José Teunissen.
In this podcast, Hilde will be providing insights around recruitment practices and processes at Centexbel: – a company whose R&D activities support the textile, plastic converting and related industries and where the aim is to reinforce the innovation capacity of small and medium sized enterprises to assist the industry in its transition to a sustainable future.
With regards to recruitment processes, Hilde will also be discussing how Centexbel has responded to the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The fourth podcast in the series is with AUDRIC THOMAS,
Technical Director at DECATHLON, in conversation with Dr Michèle Danjoux.
Here Audric firstly outlines his own background and career to date at Decathlon, a company dedicated to both the selling and design of sports products and where fashion-tech and an emphasis on user-centredness are key. Audric goes on to discuss the ways in which a large company like Decathlon interviews and assesses applicants and the essential things they seek; the equal weighting they place on both soft and hard skills and the personality of the applicant.
Insights are offered around many other aspects of the recruitment process too by Audric in this podcast including the impacts of the pandemic to the recruitment process.

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