Lucie M. Huiskens
Lucie Huiskens (1958) is co-founder and program coordinator NL NextFashion & Textiles (heretofore CLICKNL|NextFashion), the innovation network of the fashion sector, part of topsector Creative Industries.
She also is consultant to the Centre of Expertise Future Makers at ArtEZ university of the Arts. Future Makers initiates and realizes design-driven innovation and research projects that contribute to a diverse, inclusive and sustainable society. It collaborates with education, and public partners such as universities and governments, private partners like companies and trade associations and social partners.
With a background in Linguistics and Business Administration, she worked in academic, industrial and consultancy organisations, a.o. as researcher, interaction designer, design manager, program manager, and director. In 2002 she switched to non-profit organisations in the cultural and creative sector, a.o. Premsela Platform for Design & Fashion and Cultuur-Ondernemen. Since 2010, she works as an independent consultant and projectmanager, mainly involved in the development of joint research and innovation agenda’s, programs, and strategic networks.

Lucie M. Huiskens
Lucie Huiskens (1958) is co-founder and program coordinator NL NextFashion...

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