Student: Eva Feld (UAL-LCF)
HEI’s Tutor: Ella Sharp-Mitchell (UAL-LCF)
Company’s tutor: Anisha Sharma (Byborre)
Residency duration: 2 months

CreateTM, from the textile manufacturer Byborre, is a textile design platform aimed to educate the user in an engaging, informative, and playful way to encourage better, less impactful choices. The research purpose was to investigate how and where impact data results could be implemented on CreateTM platform in a thought-provoking, motivating, and informative way, leading to users conscious decision-making. Impact data encompasses the data related to the company’s ecological footprint. A systemic design framework was used for data collection and analysis for this cross-sectional grounded theory and action research. During the residency, the student developed a body of research compiling resources and tools to visually communicate complex impact data in a tangible form and acquired a new skill-set concerning the creation of interactive prototypes and presentations. The quality of the research was assessed against process, invention, extensibility, and relevance. The result of this research is relevant for every stakeholder involved in the textile industry thinking of ways to implement impact data in supply chain processes and it should be understood to drive change towards an educated use of materials in every industry that uses textile.


#Service design

#Ecological footprint

#Grounded theory

#Action research

#Material sustainability

#Company responsibility